The best way to find out what your child’s needs are? Ask them.
Your child may not know how to articulate their thoughts perfectly, but they can steer you in the direction of what their needs are: difficulty in a certain subject in school, concentration or social issues.
When meeting with clients, I always ask: how does your child feel about this issue? Have they brought it up at home? I also always suggest discussing my recommendations with your child.
This helps them feel in control of their own life when they are part of the discussion about their learning challenges.
Last week, I went on a “Mother and Son” trip day from my son’s yeshiva. We walked around Ganei HaNadiv and were given topics to discuss with our child at each station. The topics ranged from hobbies to school experiences. It was heartwarming to do this with my son and to see many other mom & son teams sitting in corners around the park doing the same.
My suggestion? Schedule some one-on-one time with your child and start the conversation.